The market ended the day on a weak note, with equity benchmarks seeing heavy selling on Wednesday on the back of negative global cues. The Sensex closed down 317.7 points at 29,167.6, while the Nifty plunged 91 points lower at 9030.45. The market breadth was well placed in the negative zone, with 990 shares having advanced against a decline of 1,822 shares. Around 194 shares remained unchanged.The Rupee closed lower by 17 paise at 65.46 per Dollar.
All BSE sector closed with major negative leads. The BSE Mid-Cap felled 132 points to 13721, BSE Small Cap slipped 126 points to 13901 while Bank Nifty lost 237 points to 20781.In Commodity market,Gold dropped 31 points to 28,820 and Silver declined 132 points to 41,150.
Today's Top BSE Gainers: Lupin, Wipro, Cipla, Sun Pharma, Dr Reddys Labs.
Today's Top BSE Losers: Bharti Airtel, Tata Motors,ITC, ICICI Bank, Bajaj Auto.