Benchmark indices held on to the extended gains, amid a surge in mid-caps and the Bank Nifty. The Sensex hiked 229 points at 29678.47, while the Nifty jumped up 69 points at 9208. The market breadth was healthy as 1,750 shares advanced against a decline of 664 shares, while 111 shares were unchanged.
In Commodity market Gold prices settled higher on yesterday as the dollar weakened on the back of tensions between the U.S. and North Korea, helping the precious metal holds ground at its highest level in more than five months.
Crude oil prices slipped 1 percent on yesterday in subdued trading after a long Easter holiday weekend, on news of rising U.S. shale production and profit-taking following three straight weeks of gains.
Stock Tips By Expert:
Buy MADHUCON above 62 Targets 62.60, 63.20, 63.80 Stop loss 60.80
Commodity Tips:
Sell Crude Oil Apr In the range of 3390-3370 Targets 3320/3270 Stop loss 3440.
Expert View: Technically crude oil is selling on hourly/daily charts while MACD and RSI also indicate good selling opportunity in it. So, traders should go for sell on higher level strategy.