Benchmark indices ended the day on a positive note, along with a rally in mid-caps. The Sensex closed up 85.82 points at 29422, while the Nifty jumped up 32.90 points at 9136.40. The market breadth was positive, but narrow, as 1,813 shares advanced against a decline of 1,054 shares, while 174 shares were unchanged. The Indian Rupee closed lower by 2 paise at 64.60 per Dollar.
The BSE Mid-cap Index gained 95 points at 14485, BSE Small-cap Index hiked 170 points at 15128 while The Bank Nifty closed lower by 0.30 percent at 21,491.
In European market FTSE slipped 9 points to 7105, DAX lost 2 points to 12014 where as CAC gained 36 points at 5039.
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