Equity benchmarks fell sharply on Friday, with the Nifty closing tad below psychological 9,200-mark amid geopolitical tensions after the US military launched cruise missiles against a Syrian airfield. However, the market recouped losses in noon trade on clearance to important GST bills in Rajya Sabha but failed to sustain that for long and fell 259 points intraday on the Sensex.
The Sensex dropped 220.73 points to 29,706.61 and the Nifty slipped 63.65 points to 9,198.30, weighed by pharma, energy and FMCG stocks.Over all 1278 share have advanced, 1632 share have declined while 125 share are unchanged. The Indian Currency closed higher by 24 paise at 64.27 per Dollar.
According to Experts, the market may consolidate further on Monday after pricing in Syria missile strike news and then it may start focussing on March quarter earnings that will be kicked off by Infosys on April 13.
Top Gainers: TCS, Bajaj Auto, Bharti Airtel, Hero Motocorp, NTPC.
Top Losers: Sun Pharma, Lupin, Adani Ports, Reliance, BHEL.
Buy HAVELLS Future above 480 Targets 482, 484 Stop loss 477
Sell LTFH Future below 120.4 TARGETS 119.95, 119.5 Stop loss 121.
Nifty Future Tips For Tomorrow
Buy HAVELLS Future above 480 Targets 482, 484 Stop loss 477
Sell LTFH Future below 120.4 TARGETS 119.95, 119.5 Stop loss 121.